Policy Context

Matching is an extremely valuable tool in the program evaluation toolkit because it can be used alone or in combination with other models to account for selection problems that are ubiquitous when program participation is voluntary.

Field experiments and RCTs are the gold standard for social science research because randomization ensures that the treatment and control groups are for all practical purposes identical. If randomization is successful then the two groups should be “balanced” on all measured and unmeasured characteristics, meaning observable traits like gender, wealth, IQ, health, speed, and experience should be equally distribute across both groups. Similarly, unobservable traits like motivation, happiness, and grit should also be equally distributed. Any comparison of means of any of these traits between the two groups should result in null effects, i.e. indistinguishable levels or proportions of each trait.

One of the nicest features of experiments is that balancing the groups greatly simplifies the analysis. If all of the covariates are balanced then program effects can be estimated using a simple comparison of means of the treatment and control group in the post-treatment period. Importantly, if randomization is done correctly the latent or observed level of the dependent variable should be identical prior to the treatment, meaning the estimator T2-C2 will capture the treatment effects and not secular trends.

This point is important because there are many research questions where pre-treatment measures do not exist. If you are studying the effect of a specific type of counseling that is supposed to help violent first-time offenders develop better conflict resolution skills so they do not recidivate, then returning to prison is the outcome of interest. How do you measure recidivism if the prisoners prior to the program if prisoners have not yet been released from jail?

Many of the quasi-experimental methods use time trends to measure and remove the gains that occur independent of the treatment (secular trends), they require measures from at least two points in time. In contexts where pre-treatment metrics are meaningless the only remaining estimator is the post-test only estimate of program impact. This estimator is only unbiased if the treatment and control group are identical prior to the treatement.

In many other circumstances it is possible to measure pre-treatment outcomes, but evaluators are only engaged once funding for the program has been secured or the pilot phase is complete, so it is too late to get pre-treatment measures. In these cases the evaluators have to find ways to build a robust post-treatment comparison.

Matching is a tool that allows us to manually construct groups so that they will approximate the types of groups created through randomization. Instead of using a brute force process like randomization, matching curates a study sample by carefully selecting subjects that create balanced groups. The test for success in the matching process is exactly the same as the test for “happy” randomization in experiments - comparing all of the measured pre-treatment characteristics of study participants to ensure that the groups would have been the same prior to the start of the program.

The main difference is that randomization will ensure observed and unobserved characteristics of study participants are balanced. Since matching uses specialized algorithms to identify subsets of the data that are balanced, it can only match on observed traits with no way to test whether important omitted variables or hard-to observe differences in motivation have been mitigated. As a result, matching works best when there is a rich set of covariates describing study participants. In these circumstances it has been shown that in many contexts estimates of treatment effects using groups constructed through matching generate the same results as randomized control studies:

Stuart, E. A. (2010). Matching methods for causal inference: A review and a look forward. Statistical science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 25(1), 1.

Fortson, K., Verbitsky-Savitz, N., Kopa, E., & Gleason, P. (2012). Using an experimental evaluation of charter schools to test whether nonexperimental comparison group methods can replicate experimental impact estimates. Washington, DC: US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance.

Ferraro, P. J., & Miranda, J. J. (2014). The performance of non-experimental designs in the evaluation of environmental programs: A design-replication study using a large-scale randomized experiment as a benchmark. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 107, 344-365.

And in circumstances where it does not completely replicate effects obtained from experiments it at the very least reduces the size of bias:

Glazerman, S., Levy, D. M., & Myers, D. (2003). Nonexperimental versus experimental estimates of earnings impacts. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 589(1), 63-93.

Matching Models

This lab is distinct from the replication studies you have done on previous labs because matching is not a model used to estimate and interpret program effects. Rather, matching is a process used to construct a valid counterfactual prior to analyzing the data. Once the data is matched any variety of regression tools can be used to conduct the analysis. It is an imput into the study design process more than a way of estimating the results.

For this reason, the lab is designed to break open the black box of matching models to show you some important features of the algorithms so that you understand what is happening behind the curtain. Like many aspects of modeling, there is an art to the science of matching. It is not a single technique, but a family of techniques that are designed to use a large observational sample that is known to contain selection bias because participants had the choice to opt-in or opt-out of the program under review. As a result, those that chose to participate are different from those that chose not to participate in ways that have a meaningful effect on the outcome of interest. Simply comparing the post-intervention outcomes of the “treated” to those of program non-participants will certainly result in very biased and very misleading inferences.

The comparison group is not a valid counterfactual in that it does not present a measure of what the treatment group would have looked like if they had not participated in the program.

We overcome this problem by restricting the analysis to a subset of the data after we have identified “twins” that are identical on all measured pre-treatment characteristics except that one participated in the program and one did not.

Does starring in Game of Thrones make you rich and happy? One of these twins received the treatment, while the other now regrets listening to dad and being “pragmatic and realistic” about his career.

More precisely, matching does not ensure that each program participant has an identical twin, rather it is an efficient way to ensure that the groups are statistically identical, i.e. that group traits are not significantly different. Just like randomization can fail when chance produces dissimilar groups, matching fails when algorithms cannot identify balanced subgroups within the data resulting in observed differences in group means on measured traits.

This can occur for several reasons. Just like an individual would need a large crowd if they wanted to find their doppelganger, matching typically requires a large pool of candidate twins for each individual in the treatment group. Or alternatively, if the types of people that participate in the program are completely different from the rest of the people in the sample then it might be mathematically impossible to create balanced groups.

Matching Process

Many of the estimation techniques that we use in this program were derived from mathematical theory and represent elegant ways to model data. For example, we might fail to appreciate that the compact formula b1=cov(x,y)/var(x) generates the precise regression slope that maximizes model fit and minimizes the residual. A similarly parsimonious formula gives us the standard error of the slope, which allows us to test the primary hypothesis of interest that the program generates meaningful impact and does not produce harm.

Comparatively, matching is a very mechanical process that requires brute force manipulation of the data to identify statistical doppelgangers. Although they were first developed by statistics methodologists, the current applications draw as much from computer science tools for optimization as they do from statistical theory.

Early advances in the methodology came from the field of education using a specific approach to matching using propensity scores:

Rosenbaum, P. R., & Rubin, D. B. (1985). Constructing a control group using multivariate matched sampling methods that incorporate the propensity score. The American Statistician, 39(1), 33-38.

A more recent wave of work shows that the method is sound, but some of the common approaches to propensity score matching are problematic because of the way they search for “twins” in the data. They have developed better algorithms that improve upon early theory but rely more on computational tools that can more efficiently explore data to create robust group membership.

King, G., & Nielsen, R. (2019). Why propensity scores should not be used for matching. Political Analysis, 27(4), 435-454.

The key problem in matching is balance. The process or algorithm that is used to construct your groups determines which cases are kept in the sample, which determines the overall quality of the counterfactual (quality meaning high internal validity in this context). Different algorithms will give you vastly different groups, as you will see.

As a result, understanding the mechanics of the process will help you tailor the matching procedure to your specific context.

Unsurprisingly, many of the best tools have been built in R. This lab demonstrates some key features of the MatchIt package.


The MatchIt package was developed by Gary King and colleagues, and contains an entire library of routines for matching. Recall that matching is a family of approaches to constructing a balanced treatment and control group from observational data, not a specific model used to estimate program impact.

Ho, D. E., Imai, K., King, G., & Stuart, E. A. (2011). MatchIt: nonparametric preprocessing for parametric causal inference. Journal of Statistical Software, http://gking. harvard. edu/matchit.

They also provide a nice package vignette with some exaples.


Data for this lab comes from an informal survey of MPA students in a program evaluation class in 2012 to generate a simple example of matching scores in action. Students were asked if they have read any of the Harry Potter series, which is a stand-in for the treatment in the study.

Since reading Harry Potter is a voluntary activity we worry about selection problems - people that read the books are different than those that do not (Harry Potter fans are randomly distributed across the population). Which leads us to ask, could we predict the behavior with some simple demographics. The survey consisted of the following questions precedded by their variable name in the dataset:

  1. books: “Have you read some or all of the books from the Harry Potter series (yes/no)?”
  2. movies: “Have you seen any of the Harry Potter movies (yes/no)?”
  3. fiction: “Do you read fiction often for fun (yes/no)?”
  4. scifi: “Do enjoy science fiction or fantasy genres (yes/no)?”
  5. children: “Do you have children over eight years in age (yes/no)?”
  6. male: “What is your sex (male/female)?”
  7. age: “What is your age (numeric)?”
  8. race “What is your race (white, black, asian, other)?”

Dummy variables have been created for the white, black, and asian categories.

Table continues below
id books movies fiction scifi children male age race white
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 23 asian 0
2 1 1 0 1 0 0 26 asian 0
3 1 1 0 1 0 1 27 asian 0
4 1 1 0 0 0 0 29 asian 0
5 1 1 1 0 0 0 31 other 0
6 1 1 1 0 0 0 23 white 1
black asian
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 1
0 0
0 0

We have 51 respondents, and 37 percent (19/51) reported that they had read at least one book in the Harry Potter series.

As you can see, the “treatment” and “control” groups of readers are unbalanced.

Table continues below
books mean.age prop.male prop.fiction prop.scifi prop.movies
0 34 0.47 0.47 0.5 0.53
1 27 0.47 0.58 0.68 1
prop.children prop.white prop.black prop.asian
0.19 0.41 0.5 0.031
0 0.68 0.053 0.21

The goal is to create a balanced group with no measured differences between the fan club and non-readers.

Note that about 2/5 of the full sample read Harry Potter and about 2/5 of white respondents reported the same. However, only 1 of the 5 Asian respondents had NOT read Harry Potter, and only 1 of the 17 Black respondents HAD read Harry Potter. As a result, you will see that race ends up shaping our final matched sample the most. To achieve balanced groups the algorithms will basically drop Black and Asian people from the sample. Thus our understanding of the societal impact of the Harry Potter series will have high internal validity but low generalizability to races other than White.

Although it is a frivolous example, it actually does a good job of demonstrating how racial bias can work its way into algorithms with absolutely no desire or intent to do so.

Lab Instructions

This lab will use the Harry Potter survey data and a toy optimization dataset to demonstrate some features of algorithms that are designed to “search” for optimal solutions in data. In this case, the optimal solution will be a set of group members in the treatment and control groups that generate no group differences.

Propensity Scores

A propensity score in evaluation is simply a measure of the probabilty or likelihood that a specific person particpate (or has participated) in the program.

We can generate the propensity score empirically using program participation as our dependent variable in a linear probability model or a logit model.

Note that the propensity scores themselves are important constructs and there are more formal approaches modeling them. This is a very simplistic model used for pedagogical purposes.

Dependent variable:
movies 0.40**
fiction 0.03
scifi 0.01
children 0.07
male -0.02
age -0.01
asian 0.12
black -0.45*
white -0.15
Constant 0.68
Observations 51
R2 0.46
Adjusted R2 0.34
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

The coefficients can help us identify predictors of participation in the treatment (a book club member in this case).

We care less about interpretting results and more about getting the predicted propensity for program participation from the model and how is organizes the data. Note that the data had previously been sorted by propensity scores and IDs correspond to the rank of propensity scores. Data is sorted by propensity to visually display the idea of data “neighbors” using row adjacency in the dataset.

Since the data is sorted from high propensity scores to low scores the majority of

Table continues below
id p.score books movies fiction scifi children male age
1 0.953 1 1 1 1 0 0 23
2 0.884 1 1 0 1 0 0 26
3 0.855 1 1 0 1 0 1 27
4 0.838 1 1 0 0 0 0 29
5 0.72 1 1 1 0 0 0 31
6 0.669 1 1 1 0 0 0 23
7 0.665 1 1 1 1 0 0 24
8 0.648 1 1 1 1 0 1 24
9 0.636 1 1 1 1 0 1 25
10 0.644 1 1 1 0 0 0 25
11 0.64 1 1 1 1 0 0 26
12 0.632 0 1 1 0 0 0 26
13 0.617 1 1 0 1 0 1 24
14 0.606 1 1 1 0 0 0 28
15 0.6 0 1 1 1 1 0 35
race white black asian
asian 0 0 1
asian 0 0 1
asian 0 0 1
asian 0 0 1
other 0 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0
white 1 0 0

Part 1 - Neighest Neighbors

We have estimated each individual’s propensity score based upon whether or not they participated in the program (read Harry Potter).

For Part 1 open your dataset in the viewer or Excel. You can use the clipboard to paste the data into Excel:


Using a simplified nearest neighbor heuristic, identify all of the “twins” in your dataset, i.e. the near identical cases that serve as a strong counterfactual.

TO achieve this, apply the following heuristic:

  1. For each individual in the treated group (books) check whether a control group neighbor exists by looking one line up and one line down for a neighbor that has not read the books. If there is no good comparison ignore the case.
  2. If the individual has an untreated neighbor, add both IDs to your study set.
  3. After a match occurs do not consider the matched pair for future matches (matching WITHOUT replacement).

For example, individual 10 here does not have a candidate neighbor in the control group. Case 12 is closer to 11 than to 13, so they become a match.

This is called a nearest neighbor approach because each observation in the treatment group is compared to its close neighbors to identify potential matches. The real algorithm would use a distance threshold, not the one row up and one row down rule, but the basic process is instructive.

Note how well the propensity score does at identifying twins in this case. They are exactly the same except for one likes science fiction and one does not.

Print your matched sample as your solution to Q1.

Table continues below
  id p.score books movies fiction scifi children male
11 11 0.64 1 1 1 1 0 0
12 12 0.632 0 1 1 0 0 0
  age race white black asian
11 26 white 1 0 0
12 26 white 1 0 0


Now check the balance on your original dataset and on your new matched dataset. You can use the following function to compare all means at once.

variable treatment control diff p.value ci.lower ci.upper
movies 1 0.53 0.47 0.00001 -0.65 -0.29
fiction 0.58 0.47 0.11 0.45775 -0.41 0.19
scifi 0.68 0.5 0.18 0.20095 -0.47 0.1
children 0 0.19 -0.19 0.01183 0.04 0.33
male 0.47 0.47 0 0.97357 -0.3 0.29
age 26.63 34.19 -7.56 0.00057 3.46 11.65
white 0.68 0.41 0.27 0.05519 -0.56 0.01
black 0.05 0.5 -0.45 0.00009 0.24 0.66
asian 0.21 0.03 0.18 0.08995 -0.39 0.03
n 19 32


Print the balance table (comparison of means) for your original dataset and your matched sample.


Did balance improve? Explain your reasoning.


Explain how a match like this might occur?

id p.score books movies fiction scifi children male age race
26 0.471 0 0 0 0 0 1 25 asian
27 0.454 1 1 0 1 0 1 37 white

Part 3 - MatchIt Package

Now that you have some intuition about the algorithms underneath the hood try out the MatchIt package.

In practice it can be hard to predict which options work well with specific datasets. Each data set has its own unique internal structure and dimensionality that is suitable for one heuristic and not another. You will use the concept of balance to guide your choices.

The syntax is close to regression syntax, so fairly simple. The default search method a greedy nearest neighbor approach:

## Call: 
## matchit(formula = books ~ movies + fiction + scifi + children + 
##     male + age + white + black + asian, data = dat, method = "nearest")
## Sample sizes:
##           Control Treated
## All            32      19
## Matched        19      19
## Unmatched      13       0
## Discarded       0       0


If you are happy with the new sample balance you can create a subset of your data using the match.data() function. With this default method we ended up dropping 13 observations from the control group. Did it improve the balance in our data? How can you tell?

Which variables are balanced, and which variables remain unbalanced?

variable treatment control diff p.value ci.lower ci.upper
movies 1 0.84 0.16 0.08276 -0.34 0.02
fiction 0.58 0.58 0 1 -0.33 0.33
scifi 0.68 0.63 0.05 0.74082 -0.37 0.27
children 0 0.11 -0.11 0.16283 -0.05 0.26
male 0.47 0.58 -0.11 0.5288 -0.23 0.44
age 26.63 31.16 -4.53 0.00337 1.61 7.44
white 0.68 0.42 0.26 0.1084 -0.59 0.06
black 0.05 0.47 -0.42 0.00317 0.16 0.69
asian 0.21 0.05 0.16 0.16067 -0.38 0.07
n 19 19


In the printout above of sample statistics it reports that 13 cases in the control group were unmatched at the end. The discard= argument allows he program to drop observations prior to matching. This is helpful when some cases fall outside of the region of common support.

Q2a: How does relaxing this contraint change the final sample size?

Q2b: Does it generate more or less balance than the defaul method reported in Q1? Is this consistent with Q1d in Part 2?

Q2c: How is discarding cases without support similar to the simple nearest neighbors approach in Part 1? How much do the samples you identified with this approach and from Step 1 overlap?

You might need to remove the movies variable from your table of contrasts if everyone saw the films in the matched sample. A column of ones has no variance, so the t-test will report an error. Just comment out movies in the variable list.


Q1 and Q2 both use greedy search routines. Some of the other search methods borrow from optimization to do a more thorough search for sets of pairs that lowers the average distance in the matched set. Compare the sample created by this type of search to the samples generated from Q1 and Q2.

  • Is the sample size larger or smaller than each?
  • Is the balance better or worse than each?

Please use the chunk argument results=“hide” when running the genetic search method so you don’t include a dozen pages of genetic search iteration output.


Using the means and confidence intervals from the compare_means() table create a coefficient plot to visualize improvements to balance after matching by comparing the raw data and a matched sample contrasts.