
This dataset represents approximately 42,000 tax parcels for the city of Syracuse, NY. Each row represents a unique parcel of land within city limits.

The dataset is available in the DataCuse OPEN DATA PORTAL.

“Parcel dataset created by the Department of Neighborhood and Business Development. This dataset includes a large amount of information about each parcel (or area of land for properties) in the city.”

Syracuse Parcels

Syracuse Parcels

Downtown Syracuse

Downtown Syracuse

Data Dictionary

This data set contains the following variables:

tax_id unique parcel ID (numeric)
neighborhood city neighborhood for tax parcel (character)
stnum parcel address (numeric)
stname parcel address (character)
zip parcel address (numeric)
owner property owner (character)
frontfeet length of the front of the lot (numeric)
depth depth of the lot (numeric)
acres size of the parcel in acres (numeric)
yearbuilt year of construction for the building on the parcel (numeric)
age age of the building (numeric)
age_range age of the building by decade (factor)
land_use zoning purpose of the parcel (factor)
units number of units in multi-unit buildings (numeric)
residential is the parcel zoned for residential (T/F)
rental is the residential space zoned for rental (T/F)
vacantbuil is the building vacant (T/F)
assessedla assessed value of the parcel land (numeric)
assessedva assessed value of the parcel land plus buildings (numeric)
tax.exempt is the parcel tax exempt (T/F)
countytxbl value of parcel for tax purposes (numeric)
schooltxbl value of parcel for tax purposes (numeric)
citytaxabl value of parcel for tax purposes (numeric)
star does the parcel qualify for a residential tax break (T/F)
amtdelinqu amount of tax bill that is delinquint (numeric)
taxyrsdeli length of time tax bill is delinquint (numeric)
totint total interest owed for delinquint taxes (numeric)
overduewater total owed on overdue water bills (numeric)

Load Dataset

We are using a number of variables from the 2015 extract of tax parcels saved as a CSV file on GitHub for easy loading:

URL <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DS4PS/Data-Science-Class/master/DATA/syr_parcels.csv"
dat <- read.csv( URL, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )

head( dat ) %>% pander
Table continues below
tax_id neighborhood stnum stname zip
1.393e+09 South Valley 2655 VALLEY DR 13215
1.393e+09 South Valley 2635 VALLEY DR 13120
1.437e+09 South Valley 203 HAYES TERR 13224
1.425e+09 South Valley 100 EDNA RD & CITY LINE 13120
1.425e+09 South Valley 104 EDNA RD 13205
1.425e+09 South Valley 108 EDNA RD 13205
Table continues below
owner frontfeet depth sqft acres yearbuilt
CLARMIN BUILDERS ONON COR 67.2 50 2149 0.04934 NA
JOHNSTON LEE R 104.8 46.5 6370 0.1462 1925
CHRISTO CRAIG S 82.87 168.3 12910 0.2964 1957
HAWKINS FARMS INC 65 160.9 10323 0.237 1958
PETERS LYNNETTE 65 160.9 10458 0.2401 1965
MITCHELL LOTAN G 65 160.9 10458 0.2401 1954
Table continues below
age age_range land_use units residential rental vacantbuil
90 81-90 Single Family 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE
58 51-60 Single Family 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE
57 51-60 Single Family 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE
50 41-50 Single Family 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE
61 61-70 Single Family 0 TRUE FALSE FALSE
Table continues below
assessedla assessedva tax.exempt countytxbl schooltxbl citytaxabl
475 500 TRUE 500 500 500
10800 69300 FALSE 69300 69300 69300
20200 88300 FALSE 88300 88300 88300
18000 70500 FALSE 70500 70500 70500
18000 74000 FALSE 74000 74000 74000
18000 95000 FALSE 95000 95000 95000
star amtdelinqu taxyrsdeli totint overduewater
NA 0 0 0 0
TRUE 0 0 0 177.8
TRUE 0 0 0 0
NA 0 0 0 0
TRUE 0 0 0 0
TRUE 0 0 0 0

Parcel Shapefiles

The shapefile has been converted to a geojson format, and is available on GitHub:

library( geojsonio )
library( sp )
library( rgdal )

syr <- geojson_read( "data/syr_parcels.geojson", what="sp" )
plot( syr,  border=NA, col="gray80" )



# sp package doesn't allow subsets when NAs present:
# replace all NAs with blanks fields 

syr$Nhood <- as.character(syr$Nhood)
syr$Nhood[ is.na(syr$Nhood) ] <- ""

downtown <- syr[ syr$Nhood == "Downtown" , ]
plot( downtown )

table( downtown$LandUse ) %>% pander()
Table continues below
Apartment Commercial Community Services Industrial Parking Parks
6 209 17 4 78 8
Recreation Religious Schools Single Family Utilities Vacant Land
5 6 4 1 6 45
these <- downtown$Acres > 1                                    # define your group
group.colors <- ifelse( these, "firebrick", "gray80" )         # don't change this
par( mar=c(0,0,0,0) )
plot( downtown,  border=NA, col=group.colors )                 # don't change this

names(downtown) <- tolower( names(downtown) )

# geojson_write( input=downtown,  geometry = "polygon", file="downtown-syr.geojson" )

Land Use