
Data Source

This exercise uses Census data from the 2012 American Communities Survey made available through the Diversity and Disparities Project.


tractid GEOID
pnhwht12 Percent white, non-Hispanic
pnhblk12 Percent black, non-Hispanic
phisp12 Percent Hispanic
pntv12 Percent Native American race
pfb12 Percent foreign born
polang12 Percent speaking other language at home, age 5 plus
phs12 Percent with high school degree or less
pcol12 Percent with 4-year college degree or more
punemp12 Percent unemployed
pflabf12 Percent female labor force participation
pprof12 Percent professional employees
pmanuf12 Percent manufacturing employees
pvet12 Percent veteran
psemp12 Percent self-employed
hinc12 Median HH income, total
incpc12 Per capita income
ppov12 Percent in poverty, total
pown12 Percent owner-occupied units
pvac12 Percent vacant units
pmulti12 Percent multi-family units
mrent12 Median rent
mhmval12 Median home value
p30old12 Percent structures more than 30 years old
p10yrs12 Percent HH in neighborhood 10 years or less
p18und12 Percent 17 and under, total
p60up12 Percent 60 and older, total
p75up12 Percent 75 and older, total
pmar12 Percent currently married, not separated
pwds12 Percent widowed, divorced and separated
pfhh12 Percent female-headed families with children

Load Phoenix Shapefile

We are using a Dorling Cartogram representation of Census tracts to remove bias.

The steps to create the cartogram are described HERE.

We can do better than that. Let’s take a look at the tmap package in R.

Check out some useful guides or launch the palette explorer for an easy way to find great color schemes for your data.

Census Variables

This shapefile comes pre-loaded with the Census data from your first lab.

##  [7] "NAME"     "LSAD"     "ALAND"    "AWATER"   "POP"      "MHHI"    
## [13] "ID"       "pop.w"    "pnhwht12" "pnhblk12" "phisp12"  "pntv12"  
## [19] "pfb12"    "polang12" "phs12"    "pcol12"   "punemp12" "pflabf12"
## [25] "pprof12"  "pmanuf12" "pvet12"   "psemp12"  "hinc12"   "incpc12" 
## [31] "ppov12"   "pown12"   "pvac12"   "pmulti12" "mrent12"  "mhmval12"
## [37] "p30old12" "p10yrs12" "p18und12" "p60up12"  "p75up12"  "pmar12"  
## [43] "pwds12"   "pfhh12"

We are going to extract the data from the shapefile and save it as a separate data frame so we can use it for analysis independent of the shapefile.

4.013e+09 04013010101 04 013 010101 1400000US04013010101
4.013e+09 04013010102 04 013 010102 1400000US04013010102
4.013e+09 04013030401 04 013 030401 1400000US04013030401
4.013e+09 04013030402 04 013 030402 1400000US04013030402
4.013e+09 04013040502 04 013 040502 1400000US04013040502
4.013e+09 04013040506 04 013 040506 1400000US04013040506

Prepare Data for Clustering

We transform all of the variables to z scorse so they are on the same scale while clustering. This ensures that each census variable has equal weight. Z-scores typically range from about -3 to +3 with a mean of zero.

pnhwht12 pnhblk12 phisp12 pntv12 pfb12 polang12
1.382 -0.8508 -1.038 -0.2962 -0.6524 -0.9802
1.358 -0.8508 -1.125 -0.22 -0.1142 -0.6567
1.533 -0.8508 -1.153 -0.2962 -0.7297 -1.201
1.24 -0.8508 -1.058 -0.1715 -0.8447 -0.9941
1.054 -0.6265 -0.7904 -0.1733 -0.7813 -0.8673
1.535 -0.8472 -1.168 -0.2962 -0.8854 -1.101

Perform Cluster Analysis

For more details on cluster analysis visit the mclust tutorial.

## ---------------------------------------------------- 
## Gaussian finite mixture model fitted by EM algorithm 
## ---------------------------------------------------- 
## Mclust VVE (ellipsoidal, equal orientation) model with 8 components: 
##  log-likelihood   n  df       BIC       ICL
##       -16327.92 913 922 -38940.87 -39010.66
## Clustering table:
##   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
##  76  33 165  57  95 154 148 185

Some visuals of model fit statistics (doesn’t work well with a lot of variables):

Identifying Neighborhood Clusters

Ok, so we have a pretty map now, but what does it mean? Let’s look at our clusters.

We can split our data up by the 8 distinct clusters and look at characteristics of each.

Let’s start by looking at how one of our 30 census variables varies by group:

We can see that some groups (neighborhood clusters) have a high proportion of Hispanic residents, while others have almost none. That is a good sign - it means the clustering appears to be meaningful in the sense that it identifies differences between the groups.

Let’s look at one more.

We can see that lots of clusters have between 20 and 40 percent with college degrees. Group 1 has an extremely high proportion, and Group 7 has an extremely low proportion.

You are now ready to identify meaningful labels for your clusters.

For the YellowDig discussion this week propose labels for Groups 1-8 based upon these characteristics. A good label will be catchy and descriptive of the population within the neighborhood cluster.

Submission Instructions

After you have completed your lab submit via Canvas. Login to the ASU portal at and navigate to the assignments tab in the course repository. Upload your RMD and your HTML files to the appropriate lab submission link. Or else use the link from the Schedule page.

Remember to name your files according to the convention:

Auxiliary Functions

Create Census Var Levels by Clustering Groups

Note these produce plots reporting percentiles for each census variable, not percents.

# list variables for clustering
use.these <- c("pnhwht12", "pnhblk12", "phisp12", "pntv12", "pfb12", "polang12", 
               "phs12", "pcol12", "punemp12", "pflabf12", "pprof12", "pmanuf12", 
               "pvet12", "psemp12", "hinc12", "incpc12", "ppov12", "pown12", 
               "pvac12", "pmulti12", "mrent12", "mhmval12", "p30old12", "p10yrs12", 
               "p18und12", "p60up12", "p75up12", "pmar12", "pwds12", "pfhh12")

df <- phx@data                                # extract data frame from spatial sp object
model.dat <- select( df, use.these )          # select census variables for clustering
model.dat.scaled <- apply( model.dat, 2, scale )     # transform raw measures into z scores

# library( mclust )
fit <- Mclust( model.dat.scaled )
group.ids <- as.character( fit$classification )

# data.dictionary must have "LABEL" for var name and "VARIABLE" for description

view_cluster_data <- function( model.dat, group.ids, data.dictionary )
  num.groups <- length( unique( as.character( group.ids ) ) )
  num.vars <- ncol( model.dat )
  data.dictionary <- data.dictionary[ data.dictionary$LABEL %in% use.these , ]
  df.ntile <- sapply( model.dat, ntile, 100 )
  df.ntile <- df.ntile )
  df.ntile$cluster <- as.factor( paste0("GROUP-", group.ids ) )
  stats <- 
    df.ntile %>% 
    group_by( cluster ) %>% 
    summarise_each( funs(mean) )
  df.stats <- data.frame( t(stats), stringsAsFactors=F )
  names(df.stats) <- paste0( "GROUP.", 1:num.groups )
  df.stats <- df.stats[-1,]
  for( i in 1:num.groups )
    z <- df.stats[,i]
      plot( rep(1,num.vars), 1:num.vars, bty="n", xlim=c(-75,100), 
            type="n", xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
            ylab="", col.lab="gray40",
            main=paste( "GROUP", i ) )
      rect( xleft=0, ybottom=0, xright=20, ytop=(num.vars+1), col=gray(0.75,0.5), border="gray80" )
      rect( xleft=40, ybottom=0, xright=60, ytop=(num.vars+1), col=gray(0.75,0.5), border="gray80" )
      rect( xleft=80, ybottom=0, xright=100, ytop=(num.vars+1), col=gray(0.75,0.5), border="gray80" )
      abline( v=seq(0,100,25), lty=3, lwd=1.5, col="gray90" )
      segments( y0=1:num.vars, x0=0, x1=100, col="gray70", lwd=2 )
      text( -0.2, 1:num.vars, data.dictionary$VARIABLE, cex=0.85, pos=2 )
      points( z, 1:num.vars, pch=19, col="firebrick", cex=1.5 )
      axis( side=1, at=c(0,50,100), col.axis="gray", col="gray" )
    }) # end print
  }   # end loop

par( mfrow=c(4,2) )

view_cluster_data( model.dat=model.dat, 
                   data.dictionary=data.dictionary )
## [1]   0  50 100
## [1]   0  50 100
## [1]   0  50 100
## [1]   0  50 100
## [1]   0  50 100
## [1]   0  50 100
## [1]   0  50 100

## [1]   0  50 100


This exercise uses Census data from the 2012 American Communities Survey made available through the Diversity and Disparities Project.

tractid GEOID
pnhwht12 Percent white, non-Hispanic
pnhblk12 Percent black, non-Hispanic
phisp12 Percent Hispanic
pntv12 Percent Native American race
pfb12 Percent foreign born
polang12 Percent speaking other language at home, age 5 plus
phs12 Percent with high school degree or less
pcol12 Percent with 4-year college degree or more
punemp12 Percent unemployed
pflabf12 Percent female labor force participation
pprof12 Percent professional employees
pmanuf12 Percent manufacturing employees
pvet12 Percent veteran
psemp12 Percent self-employed
hinc12 Median HH income, total
incpc12 Per capita income
ppov12 Percent in poverty, total
pown12 Percent owner-occupied units
pvac12 Percent vacant units
pmulti12 Percent multi-family units
mrent12 Median rent
mhmval12 Median home value
p30old12 Percent structures more than 30 years old
p10yrs12 Percent HH in neighborhood 10 years or less
p18und12 Percent 17 and under, total
p60up12 Percent 60 and older, total
p75up12 Percent 75 and older, total
pmar12 Percent currently married, not separated
pwds12 Percent widowed, divorced and separated
pfhh12 Percent female-headed families with children