I have provided you with a LAB-02 RMD template:
You will use the following functions for this lab:
logical operators ( ==, >, <, ! )
sum() # count TRUEs in logical vectors
mean() # proportion of TRUEs in logical vectors
compound statements with & (AND) and | (OR) operators
This lab uses city tax parcel data from Syracuse, NY. [ Data Dictionary ]
You can load the dataset by including the following code chunk in your file:
You will need the following packages for this lab:
NOTE: do not include include install package commands in your RMD chunks. Trying to install packages while knitting can cause errors.
Load the map file:
URL <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DS4PS/Data-Science-Class/master/DATA/syr_parcels.geojson"
syr <- geojson_read( URL, method="local", what="sp" )
plot( syr, border=NA, col="gray80" )
For this lab you will construct a group by translating the question into a logical statement, then show a map of the group by adapting the code provided:
How many parcels are larger than one acre?
these <- dat$acres > 1 # the group I am defining
sum( these ) # count of parcels in our defined group
## [1] 1199
## [1] 0.02889017
To show the location of this group on a map:
these <- dat$acres > 1 # define your group
group.colors <- ifelse( these, "firebrick", "gray80" ) # don't change this
plot( syr, border=NA, col=group.colors ) # don't change this
What proportion of tax parcels are single family homes?
## [1] 0.5877307
Plot single family homes on a map:
these <- dat$land_use == "Single Family"
group.colors <- ifelse( these, "firebrick", "gray80" ) # don't change this
plot( syr, border=NA, col=group.colors ) # don't change this
To define group membership using character vectors or factors we need to know the current group names. We can find this using a table() or unique() function.
## [1] "Vacant Land" "Single Family" "Commercial"
## [4] "Parking" "Two Family" "Three Family"
## [7] "Apartment" "Schools" "Parks"
## [10] "Multiple Residence" "Cemetery" "Religious"
## [13] "Recreation" "Community Services" "Utilities"
## [16] "Industrial"
## Apartment Cemetery Commercial
## 1228 35 2601
## Community Services Industrial Multiple Residence
## 138 102 217
## Parking Parks Recreation
## 437 98 55
## Religious Schools Single Family
## 174 106 24392
## Three Family Two Family Utilities
## 825 7259 103
## Vacant Land
## 3732
Note that the spelling has to be identical for the statement to work.
## [1] 1228
## [1] 0
We often want to create a new group from sets of old groups:
public.goods <- dat$land_use == "Community Services" |
dat$land_use == "Schools" |
dat$land_use == "Recreation"
mean( public.goods )
## [1] 0.007204472
Answer the following questions using the Syracuse parcels dataset and the functions listed.
Your solution should include a written response to the question, as well as the code used to generate the result.
sum() function and land_use variable
land_use variable
Calculate the proportion of single family homes built since 1980. Map them.
count single family homes, and single family homes built since 1980: land_use and yearbuilt variables
use the sum() function with land_use variable;
create a group that includes parcels with apartments and two and three family homes
sum() with the assessedva and land_use variables;
mean() with the amtdelinqu variable
table() with amtdelinqu and land_use variables
When you have completed your assignment, knit your RMD file to generate your rendered HTML file.
Login to Canvas at http://canvas.asu.edu and navigate to the assignments tab in the course repository. Upload your HTML and RMD files to the appropriate lab submission link.
Platforms like BlackBoard and Canvas sometimes disallow you from submitting HTML files when there is embedded computer code. If this happens create a zipped folder with both the RMD and HTML files.
Remember to:
See Google’s R Style Guide for examples.
If you are having problems with your RMD file, visit the RMD File Styles and Knitting Tips manual.
Note that when you knit a file, it starts from a blank slate. You might have packages loaded or datasets active on your local machine, so you can run code chunks fine. But when you knit you might get errors that functions cannot be located or datasets don’t exist. Be sure that you have included chunks to load these in your RMD file.
Your RMD file will not knit if you have errors in your code. If you get stuck on a question, just add eval=F
to the code chunk and it will be ignored when you knit your file. That way I can give you credit for attempting the question and provide guidance on fixing the problem.