We translate questions from plain English into computer code using logical statements.
Logical statements generate logical vectors or “selector vectors” where:
We use these vectors to:
Most data analysis require us to split our data into groups or segments so that we can look for trends or compare outcomes across various subpopulations.
What percentage of women over 30 have graduate degrees?
To be an effective data analyst we need to know how to translate a question from our native human language into phrases a computer will understand.
Group of Interest:
In R as a logical statement:
gender == "female" & age > 30 & grad.degree == TRUE
Logical statements help us translate our research questions from human languages into computer code.
Figure 1.1: Logical statements define group membership
Similar to mathematical operators, logical operators are a basic building block of data programming. Most often when working with data we are not creating complicated statistical models. We are identifying members of a group (print all of the females from the study), and describing a subset of the data (compare the average price of houses with a pool to houses without a pool).
In order to accomplish these simple tasks we need to use logic statements. A logic statement answers the question, does an observation belong to our group?
Many times groups are simple: identify all professions that have average salaries over $100k a year, for example.
Groups can be complex: identify the African American children from a specific zip code in Chicago that live in households with single mothers.
In this chapter we will use nine basic logical operators:
Operator | Description |
< | less than |
<= | less than or equal to |
> | greater than |
>= | greater than or equal to |
== | exactly equal to |
!= | not equal to |
x | y | x OR y |
x & y | x AND y |
! | opposite of |
[ ] | subset |
Logical operators create logical vectors, a vector that contains only TRUE or FALSE. The TRUE means that the observation belongs to a group, FALSE means it does not.
x1 <- c( 7, 9, 1, 2 )
x1 > 5
gender <- c("male","male","female","female")
gender == "female"
Try it yourself:
Note that the logical statement for “equals” is written with two equal signs. This is important to remember, because using a single equal sign can introduce subtle errors into your analysis.
x1 <- c( 7, 9, 1, 2 )
x1 == 9
x1 = 9 # single equal overwrites your data
## [1] 9
We can write compound logical statements using the AND &
and OR |
id | gender | study.group |
1 | male | treatment |
2 | male | control |
3 | female | treatment |
4 | female | control |
gender == "female" & study.group == "treatment"
gender == "female" | study.group == "treatment"
Note that we use operators to create logical vectors where TRUE designates observations that belong to the defined group, and FALSE designates observations outside the group. The term “selector vector” is a useful way to remember this purpose.
After you have defined a group by composing a logical statement, then the vector can be used to count group members and take subsets of other variables to calculate group statistics.
name | gender | group | strength |
frank | male | treat | 27 |
wanda | female | treat | 43 |
sanjay | male | control | 19 |
nancy | female | control | 58 |
these.female <- dat$gender == "female"
sum( these.female ) # number of women in the study
## [1] 2
mean( these.female ) # proportion of the study that is women
## [1] 0.5
dat[ these.female , ] # all data belonging to women
## name gender group strength
## 2 wanda female treat 43
## 4 nancy female control 58
mean( dat$strength[ these.female ] ) # average outcome for women in the study
## [1] 50.5
I will consistently name my logical vectors “these.GROUP” throughout the chapters, where GROUP represents the group label. For example, I selected women above, so the selector vector is called “these.female”.
Selector vectors, i.e. logical vectors that were created by defining a group, have three main uses in our analysis.
ONE: Logical vectors give us an easy way to count things within defined groups.
We can apply a sum() function to a logical vector, and the result will be a tally of all of the TRUE cases. The mean() function will give us the proportion of the sample that belongs to our defined group.
# how many females do we have in our study?
sum( gender == "female" )
## [1] 2
# how many females do we have in our treatment group?
sum( gender == "female" & group == "treat" )
## [1] 1
# what proportion of our study are men?
mean( gender == "male" )
## [1] 0.5
TWO: We can create a selector variable that is used for subsets. A selector vector used in a subset operator will drop all observations that are FALSE, isolating data belonging to the group:
these.female <- gender == "female"
name[ these.female ]
## [1] "wanda" "nancy"
strength[ these.female ]
## [1] 43 58
Or we can create a subset of the full dataset:
dat[ these.female , ]
name | gender | group | strength | |
2 | wanda | female | treat | 43 |
4 | nancy | female | control | 58 |
The subset operators [ ] are one of the most common you will use in R.
The primary rule of subsets is to use a data operator to create a logical selector vector, and use that to generate subsets. Any observation that corresponds to TRUE will be retained, any observation that corresponds to FALSE will be dropped.
Consider this data:
name | gender | group | strength |
frank | male | treat | 27 |
wanda | female | treat | 43 |
sanjay | male | control | 19 |
nancy | female | control | 58 |
Vectors are only one dimension (a single column), so you only provide one argument to the subset operator:
these.treated <- dat$group == "treat"
name[ these.treated ]
## [1] "frank" "wanda"
strength[ these.treated ]
## [1] 27 43
Data frames are two dimensions (rows and columns). Thus we need to provide two arguments to the subset operator, one to control which rows we select, and one to control which columns we select.
The two dimensions are seperated by a comma, and if you leave one blank it will not drop anything in the row or column.
these.control <- dat$group == "control"
dat[ these.control , ] # all data in the control group
## name gender group strength
## 3 sanjay male control 19
## 4 nancy female control 58
dat[ , c("name","gender") ] # select two columns of data
## name gender
## 1 frank male
## 2 wanda female
## 3 sanjay male
## 4 nancy female
# create a subset
dat.women <- dat[ dat$gender == "female" , ]
## name gender group strength
## 2 wanda female treat 43
## 4 nancy female control 58
Specify the following desired selections from the table:
name | gender | group | strength |
frank | male | treat | 27 |
wanda | female | treat | 43 |
sanjay | male | control | 19 |
nancy | female | control | 58 |
We can combine multiple logical statements using the AND, OR, and NOT operators ( &, |, ! ). This functionality gives us an incredible ability to specify very granular groups within our analysis. This will be important as we begin to construct analysis in a way that we search for apples to apples comparisons within our data in order to make inferences about program effectiveness.
These statements require some precision, however. Use care when applying the AND, OR, and NOT operators as to not include unintended data in your sample.
The ! operator is a special case, where it is not used to define a new logical vector, but rather it swaps the values of an existing logical vector.
## [1] FALSE
## [1] TRUE
x1 <- c(7,9,1,2)
these <- x1 > 5
! these
Be careful with the order of operations though! If we are working with this data, for example:
group | gender |
treat | male |
treat | female |
control | male |
control | female |
And we define men in the treatment group:
these <- group == "treat" & gender == "male"
dat[ these , ] %>% pander
group | gender |
treat | male |
Note that the opposite of men in the treatment group is NOT women in the control group:
these <- ! ( group == "treat" & gender == "male" )
dat[ these , ] %>% pander
group | gender | |
2 | treat | female |
3 | control | male |
4 | control | female |
Women in the control group would be:
# not treatment group & not men
these <- ! ( group == "treat" ) & ! ( gender == "male" )
dat[ these , ]
## group gender
## 4 control female
A common mistake you will make when you first start constructing logical statements is to define a group, and then since you are in a hurry you flip the logic and think you are making a valid comparison.
Do bearded men earn more than men without beards?
The opposite-of “men with beards” (“male” & “beards”) is not men without beards, it is men without beards OR women (with or without beards).
Figure 3.1: Compound statements can be tricky
In the example above, the statement “NOT bearded men” means all people outside of the category of men without beards (the “complement”), which includes women with or without beards as well.
Also note that parentheses matter. Compare this statement to the statement above:
! gender == "male" & beard == TRUE
Because we excluded the parentheses this statement now defines the group “NOT men AND with beards”, or bearded women.
Figure 3.2: Examples of group construction with compound statements
It’s important to note that the opposite-of operator does not flip the LOGIC of the question, it only flips TRUES and FALSE in the produced vector.
group == "treat" & gender == "male"
! ( group == "treat" & gender == "male" )
Pay close attention to the order of operations when constructing logical statements.
Since all logical operators have the same precedence, the opposite-of operator will be applied first here, then the and operator. Thus these are not the same:
group | gender |
treat | male |
treat | female |
control | male |
control | female |
these <- ! ( group == "treat" & gender == "male" )
dat[ these , ]
group | gender | |
2 | treat | female |
3 | control | male |
4 | control | female |
these <- ! group == "treat" & gender == "male"
dat[ these , ]
group | gender | |
3 | control | male |
We can use selector variables to replace observations with new values using the assignment operator. This is similar to a find and replace operation.
animals <- c( "mole", "mouse", "shrew", "mouse", "rat", "shrew" )
# the lab assistant incorrectly identified the shrews
## [1] "mole" "mouse" "shrew" "mouse" "rat" "shrew"
animals[ animals == "shrew" ] <- "possum"
## [1] "mole" "mouse" "possum" "mouse" "rat" "possum"
We don’t know if linda received the treatment:
name | study.group |
adam | treatment |
jamal | control |
linda | treatment |
sriti | control |
# replace
study.group[ name == "linda" ] <- NA
## [1] "treatment" "control" NA "control"
Recall that missing values are an extremely important concept in statistics. If one-third of our survey sample reports that they never smoked pot, one-third reports they have smoked pot, and one-third did not answer the question, then what do we report for the proportion of the population that has smoked pot?
We might prefer to be cautious and count only the people that have confirmed they have smoked pot, resulting in an estimate of 33.3%.
If we throw out the missing data, then 50% of respondents have smoked pot.
If we assume those that refuse to answer have likely smoked pot, our estimate might be 66.6% of the sample.
These different results are a function of how we treat the missing data in our survey, so it is important that we can keep track of missing values, especially during subset operations.
Note how NAs effect compound logical statements:
## [1] TRUE
## [1] FALSE
## [1] NA
## [1] FALSE
To make sense of these rules consider the following:
If one condition is already FALSE, the missing value does not matter because under the & condition BOTH must be TRUE for the observation to belong to our defined group. After we know that one of the conditions is FALSE the missing value is irrelevant. For example, if we want to select all women in the treatment group, and we have a man with an unclear treatment group status, he is still excluded from the group because he is a man.
On the other hand, if one condition is TRUE, and another is NA, R does not want to throw out the data because the state of the missing value is unclear. As a result, it will preserve the observation, but it will replace all of the data with missing values to signal the lack of certainty associated with that observation.
group | gender |
treat | male |
treat | female |
control | male |
control | female |
keep.these <- c(T,F,NA,F)
dat[ keep.these , ]
## group gender
## 1 treat male
## NA <NA> <NA>
To remove the rows with missing values in your selector vector, replace all NAs with FALSE:
keep.these[ is.na(keep.these) ] <- FALSE
dat[ keep.these , ]
## group gender
## 1 treat male
Note the rules listed above about subsetting factors. After applying a subset, they will retain all of the original levels, even when they are not longer useful. You need to drop the unused levels if you would like them to be omitted from functions that use the factor levels for analysis.
df <- data.frame( letters=factor( LETTERS[1:5] ), numbers=seq(1:5) )
levels( df$letters )
## [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E"
sub.df <- df[ 1:3, ]
## [1] A B C
## Levels: A B C D E
levels( sub.df$letters )
## [1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E"
droplevels( sub.df$letters )
## [1] A B C
## Levels: A B C
sub.df$letters <- droplevels( sub.df$letters )